Insomnia doesn’t just affect your nights. Lack of sleep also has a huge impact on people’s days. Trouble is, most sleep medications help people sleep at night, but leave them feeling groggy during the day.
So in the lead up to the launch of a new non-groggy sleeping pill by Idorsia we created a campaign to get people rethinking their sleep solutions, and considering their daytime as part of the equation.
The One Show, Shortlist, Pharma, Branding
ADC, Shortlist, Branding

Sadly, sleep struggles disproportionally affect women aged 40+. The insomnia sector is also prettyyyyyy depressing. So this was the perfect opportunity to bring some light to the category with a welcoming, friendly tone and a gorgeous range of women.

We also partnered with Olympian and health advocate, Gabby Thomas, to connect sleep with overall health and wellbeing.

Creative Directors: Kate Baynham & Hanna Wittmark
Our Role: Creatives
Designers: Benny Gold, Johann Vernizzi
Agency: GS&P
Brand stills
Photographer: Amy Harrity
Gabby Thomas spots
Director: Carissa Gallo
Production Company: m ss ng p eces
Gabby Thomas stills
Photographer: Emilio Diaz